It’s tax time again. Yeah, no getting around it. Tonight on CBC Vancouver Theresa Lalonde is talking all about doing your taxes and the software to help you out. So where does eCrypt Me come in? Well, more and more of us are emailing information to our bookkeepers, accountants, and tax experts, the problem is that email is inherently insecure. Remember sending something via email is just like writing it on a post card and mailing it. So you might be okay to mail you financial info on a postcard, but I’m not!
The catch is that although most of us know that emailing our info isn’t the best of ideas, we don’t have a good alternative. Yeah, sure you can try PGP or Hushmail, but honestly those aren’t terribly easy to use (PGP for sure). This is where eCrypt Me comes in. Just in time for tax season you can try eCrypt Me. Yep, during our beta period all the features and functions of eCrypt Me are free. There will be subscription plans coming in the future (models like DropBox with rewards and referral upgrades) but there will always be a free version too.
If you’re a tax pro (or lawyer or financial planner) and you want to communicate absolutely, positively securely with your clients, sign up for eCrypt Me now and ask your clients to do the same. Are you client of one of these folks above (honestly who isn’t)? Sign up yourself then ask your tax pro to do the same.
We’ve designed eCrypt Me as a closed loop system, so the people you want to email securely also have to be subscribed to eCrypt Me. It only takes a couple minutes to sign up, and there is nothing to lose!
From the beginning (and this is true for all eCrypt products) eCrypt Me was designed to make secure email easy. You don’t need to know how a car engine works to drive. Once you learn how to drive one car, you can pretty much drive any car. Why shouldn’t secure email be the same?
So, what’s stopping now you from communicating securely?