Investor FAQs
- When and where was Bravatek incorporated?
- Bravatek Solutions, Inc. was incorporated as Ecrypt Technologies, Inc. on April 19, 2007 in the state of Colorado. The Company changed its name to Bravatek Solutions on November 10, 2015.
- Where are Bravatek’s shares traded?
- Bravatek’s common shares are listed on the OTC PINK.
- What is Bravatek’s trading symbol?
- Bravatek’s trading symbol is BVTK. Previously it was ECRY.
- What is Bravatek’s CUSIP number?
- Bravatek’s CUSIP number is 279238 109.
- When did Bravatek begin trading as a public company?
- Bravatek founding team filed its Form 10 Registration Statement with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on November 10, 2008. The Registration Statement was accepted by the SEC on November 24, 2008. The Company’s symbol ECRY was listed on the Bulletin Board on May 27, 2009. The trading symbol was changed to BVTK on December 31, 2015.
- Has Ecrypt Inc ever split its stock?
- Yes, Ecrypt Inc split its stock four (4) times: the first was a 4-for-1 forward stock split and occurred on October 9, 2008; the second was a 2-for-1 forward stock split and occurred on November 2, 2009; the third was a 2-for-1 forward stock split and occurred on November 12, 2009, and; the fourth was a 10 -for-1 reverse split which occurred on December 4, 2015.
- Can I buy shares directly from the Company?
- No, shares must be purchased through a broker.
- When is Bravatek’s fiscal year end?
- Bravatek’s fiscal year end is December 31 of every year.
- What is Bravatek’s official accounting currency?
- Bravatek’s official accounting currency is the US Dollar.
- Where is Bravatek reporting?
- Bravatek reports to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on EDGAR, and the British Columbia Securities Commission (BCSC) on SEDAR.
- Who are Bravatek’s auditors?
- D. Brooks and Associates CPA’s, P.A.
319 Clematis, Suite 318, West Palm Beach, FL, 33401
- Who is Bravatek’s transfer agent?
- ClearTrust
16540 Pointe Village Dr, Suite 210, Lutz, Florida 33558