Terabytes of data go missing from the U.S. National archives. A laptop left in a cab has sensitive customer information. Hackers breach credit card company databases. All scary things, but what if you could significantly reduce these incidents? And what if reducing these incidents is as simple as having and enforcing a company-wide encryption policy?
Turns out, that’s all it seems to take:
In a study carried out by the reputable Ponemon Institute for PGP Corp, a third of those companies reporting no data loss incident in the last year claimed to have had instigated an enterprise-wide encryption policy. In contrast, organisations experiencing the highest number of data loss incidents were found to be the least likely to have introduced a consistently enforced, company-wide strategy governing the use of data encryption technologies.
link: Encryption reduces risk of data breach: study – Computer Business Review : News
In other words by showing employees that data security and protection is a company priority, they take better care of your data.
Sounds like a plan to me.