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Hacker Group AntiSec Exposes Police Informants, Releases Sensitive Information on Pastebin.com

By Bravatek /

After reportedly attacking law enforcement agencies from across the United States, hacker group AntiSec has claimed to have released more…

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Hacker Group Anonymous Has Own Social Network Tampered With

By Bravatek /

The tables have been turned on hacker group Anonymous, as their own social network was hacked Wednesday. In this instance,…

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Anonymous Deems Attack On Booz Allen Hamilton

By Bravatek /

Well known hacker group Anonymous has claimed to have stolen more than 90,000 emails and passwords from military contract Booz…

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Apple Victim of Cyber-Attack by Anonymous

By Bravatek /

The international hacker group, Anonymous, has struck again, making Apple the latest victim in a string of recent cyber-attacks on…

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