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Hacker Group AntiSec Exposes Police Informants, Releases Sensitive Information on Pastebin.com

By Bravatek /

After reportedly attacking law enforcement agencies from across the United States, hacker group AntiSec has claimed to have released more…

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Thousands of Hackers Converge at World’s Largest Hacker Convention, DEF CON 19

By Bravatek /

An estimated 10,000 hackers will convene at the Rio Hotel in Las Vegas this weekend for DEF CON 19, one…

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Sen. John McCain Calls For Committee to Fight Hackers and Help Preserve National Security

By Bravatek /

Republican Senator John McCain is calling for the creation of a Senate Select Committee on cyber-security and electronic intelligence leaks,…

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Apple Victim of Cyber-Attack by Anonymous

By Bravatek /

The international hacker group, Anonymous, has struck again, making Apple the latest victim in a string of recent cyber-attacks on…

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Hackers Access Fox News Twitter Account, Falsely Report Obama Assassination

By Bravatek /

At 2 a.m. ET Monday, hackers accessed FoxNews.com’s twitter feed for political news, @FoxNewsPolitics, and posted false tweets announcing that…

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New episode of PrivacyNowRadio: Episode 5 Interview with the Hacker

By Bravatek /

A brand new episode of PrivacyNowRadio is up and ready for you to listen to—PrivacyNowRadio Episode 5: Interview with the…

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